Embrace Outdoor Wellness And Create Your Perfect Zen Garden

Life is so busy sometimes and you can feel like you’re constantly on the go, making it difficult on occasions to take a break from it all, but you must for the sake of your mind, body, and soul.

If you have an outdoor space at home, you’re one of the lucky ones, and with the weather turning for the better as spring approaches, it makes it the ideal destination to head to when some time out is needed.

Being amongst nature and exposed to a green environment can alleviate stress, uplift your mood, and do your wellbeing the world of good.

With the right garden setup, it could even see you achieve a Zen-like state, and here’s how to get it.

Exercise space for Yoga

Yoga is right up there as one of the finest forms of exercise you can do, offering a host of physical and mental health benefits.

It goes beyond just improving flexibility, also building strength, boosting energy, and helping you feel more strongly connected to your body.

A tranquil garden where you have nature all around and can enjoy an intake of Vitamin D whilst you practise it, will have great rejuvenating powers. You just need a flat, level area to put down your Yoga mat and Lakeland’s UPVC decking system would be more than suitable. It’s low-maintenance too, an essential prerequisite of any Zen garden.

Swim Spa

After a Yoga session has ended or used in isolation of that, gain some water therapy and a deep tissue massage in the soothing bubbles of a swim spa.

Have regular solo stints in the spa to switch off, but don’t neglect letting it become a communal affair with loved ones now and again as there’s evidence that social interactions in natural settings enhance mental wellbeing.

Get the swim spa wrapped with our tailored decking to augment its appeal and so that it can be experienced to the fullest by you or whoever else receives an invitation to take a relaxing dip.

Plants and Water Features

It’s remarkable how some scents and sounds can trigger happy emotions and memories in us and in doing so, bring unbridled joy.

Engage the senses and nurture wellness each time you’re in your garden environment by adding plants like lavender, jasmine, chamomile, and rosemary outside, which all emit a beautiful and evocative aroma that will pleasantly linger.

The gentle noise of some type of water feature like a fountain or pond can also have a calming effect, relieving anxiety.

Harness more products in the Lakeland range to induce a calming outdoor oasis – have you checked out our UPVC fencing for instance?

Want to speak to an advisor? Give us a call on 01772 287250

Our friendly team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.

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